
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. (1 Cor 12:4-6 ESV)


Bishop Greg Pace, Pastor
Bishop Greg Pace, Pastor

Greg Pace has been preaching for over 30 years, starting as a young boy, and has been our pastor since May 2018. He loves people and he loves preaching, along with singing and playing the piano. He and his wife Penny have one daughter, Sophia. Like most Pentecostal preachers, Brother Pace loves good country cooking, i.e. “soul food.” Just don’t ask him to eat chicken livers.

Susan Chandler
Susan Chandler

Susan Chandler is our secretary/treasurer, responsible for keeping up with the church records and finances. Susan has been a member of the church since July 1990. She has been married to Arthur Chandler for over 45 years and has worked for a local town for 40 years. In her spare time, she likes dirt track racing and spending time with her grandkids.

Arthur Wayne Chandler
Arthur Wayne Chandler

Arthur Wayne Chandler, or AW, is the Sunday School Superintendent, a trustee, and a member of the Pastor’s Council. He is also the “go to” guy for all things maintenance at the church and has been a member since July 1990. He is a veteran of the US Marine Corp, the Alabama Army National Guard, and is retired from Norfolk Southern Railroad. His hobbies include collecting and trading guns.

Eddie Herring
Eddie Herring

Eddie is the adult Sunday School class teacher, pastor’s council member, and trustee. He was  saved as a young boy at the Sheffield Church of God (which moved to Muscle Shoals). He and his wife Brenda have been members of the church since 12 Sep 1979. Married 45 years, they have 3 children and 5 grandchildren. He is a US Air Force Veteran and retired from TVA. An avid reader, he enjoys studying the Bible, genealogy, and spoiling his grandkids.

Greg and Cheryl Michael
Greg and Cheryl Michael

Greg and Cheryl serve as our audio/video media team. They have served in the church over the years where the Lord has directed and needed, including in children's and youth ministries. They have been members of the church since July 1990. Greg and Cheryl married in September 1986. They have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren. They enjoy spending time with their grandkids, watching college football (Roll Tide!) and being outdoors.