Racism – Cause and Cure

The death of George Floyd, and other incidents concerning race, have brought the charge of racism to the forefront of the public attention. Protests, riots, attacks on individuals, buildings burned, monuments defaced and damaged, have impacted lives and livelihoods across the nation. The policeman involved in the death of George Floyd has been charged with murder and others with aiding or abetting in the incident.

Consequently, as the media and people in general are wont to do, they have painted with a broad brush and innocent people are being attacked and persecuted. Politicians have done what politicians tend to do, which is to preen for the camera. Various police officers, innocent of any wrongdoing, have been attacked simply for wearing the uniform.
I have been blessed to know and to attend church with several police officers over the past 40 years. Those I have had the pleasure of knowing have been good people doing necessary jobs that many people would decline. And usually for insufficient pay for the dangers they face daily. And I believe they are typical of most police officers. But there are always that small percentage that are not typical.

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